Compilation of some Frutiger Aero-themed stock images from the South Korean website, which produced thousands of such images in the early 2000s.
Welcome to the wallpapers section, here you can find numerous high quality images and desktop backgrounds from the Frutiger Aero / Metro aesthetic. Many of them are stock photos from the "Sozaijiten / Material Dictionary" series by Japanese company Image Navi Corporation, and the Korean website Asadal, but there are also many other ones. Use the table of contents down below to navigate to the different pages. To preview the images in high resolution, simply click the images.
Compilation of some Frutiger Aero-themed stock images from the South Korean website, which produced thousands of such images in the early 2000s.
Frutiger Aero artworks created by Liam / Z2r, check out his portfolio here.
Various images taken from Windows wallpaper packs such as Windows Vista Ultimate Extras, and a variety of other ones on different themes like cityscapes, nature, backgrounds, other operating systems, etc.
Download all files: Full Archive.
Frutiger Metro, the cousin aesthetic of Frutiger Aero, utilizes vector-based graphic designs combining flat, minimalist graphics with a maximalist design philosophy. The "Metro" part of its name comes from Windows 8's Metro design language.
Download: Full Archive.
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