Buttons and communities
Down below are some links to other websites that i like, and webrings.
In the days of the early web, Search Engines were not as powerful as they are now, so it was not easy to find other websites. GeoCities started the trend to link to each other's sites by using 88x31 pixel buttons. On Neocities, this tradition continues. If you liked my site, feel free to find my button down below, and place it on your site, I might link you back at some point. I also link to other useful websites outside of Neocities below that.
Down below are some links to other websites that i like, and webrings.
Here are a bunch of websites i've found over the years, and useful programs that i use all the time. If you also make websites, check out the web development links, there is a lot of useful stuff for you there. I also linked resources to customize Windows, YouTube and Firefox.