The Frutiger Aero Archive

A repository of wallpapers, music and more.
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On this page you will find a collection of old or alternative program icons. You can use them to change your program's icons, if you want to have a more nostalgic look. Simply drag and drop the icons to a folder on your computer. To apply them, right-click on your program, go to properties, and select the new icon. You can also use a program called Resource Hacker to do so, or even to extract the icons from an old program.

Web Browsers

Firefox 4
Firefox 23
Firefox Alt
Chrome 2008
IE 7

Email Clients

Thunderbird 1.0
Thunderbird 10
Windows Mail

Instant Messaging Clients

WLM 2012
Discord 2016
Discord Alt

Media & Entertainment

Spotify Old
Spotify Alt
Windows Media Player
Windows Media Center

Video Games

Steam Aero
Steam 2014
Roblox 2008
Roblox Studio 2013
EA Games


Photoshop Old
Creative Cloud
qBittorrent 2006